If it seems that your rent may far exceed 30% of your income, you can do something to curb budget pressure. These tips can help you save on rent and keep more revenue every month:

Consider having one or more roommates share the rent. (As a bonus, you can also save money by sharing utility bills and food costs.)

Ask your landlord if they can offer a larger margin or sign a longer lease, can they consider offering a monthly rental discount. Some landlords may agree to cut a few dollars in rent if they can count on your stable rental income.

Or, talk to your landlord about the issue of rent discounts for services. For example, they may give you a break to help beautify or repair a house.

Choose a place that is close to public transportation or easy to walk so you can spend less on petrol. Or, if possible, consider throwing away your car.

If everything fails, delete the extra parts. When you can't lower your rental costs more than anything you already have, see what else you can get rid of, such as cable or premium internet services to save on monthly expenses.